Dear Hapkido/ Martial art (grand)Master,

The ONK Hapkido as each year will have participants from the Netherlands and abroad!

We hope you all join this Hapkido championship open for all Hapkido styles!
Hosinsul/Selfdefence, Breektest, Fall breaking, Weapen and Sword Kata is also open for other Martial arts!

We hope to see you all again on April 7th 2019 in Tiel!
Beginning 9.00  Everybody! Childeren and adults! Competition on 3 mats.

Sports Hall "Westroyen"
Predikbroedersweg 14,  4003AL, Tiel

Please click on the link below for sign in for Joining! This is possible from January 15th 2019! Thanks!

Sincerely yours,

Martin Zingel
President Nederlandse Hapkido Bond
Representative (IHC) International Hapkido Cooperation, Netherlands
Tel: +31 654325285

Pierre van Bentum
Vice President Nederlandse Hapkido Bond

The Nederlandse Hapkido Bond (NHB) is very proud to organize the 16th Dutch Open Hapkido Championship.

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