A realistic knife defense seminar took place in Aachen on the weekend of November 23rd and 24th, 2024, led by Grandmaster Franz-Josef Wolf, President of the International Hapkido Cooperation.
Fifteen participants from Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Norway spent 12 hours over two days training in general knife handling and defense. Depending on the exercise,
rubber, plastic, or steel knives were used. Additionally, knives with soft foam soaked in food coloring were employed
The exercises with the colored knives highlighted the difficulty of defending against a knife attack and the need to be constantly prepared for injury.
In addition to attack and defense, various movement patterns were taught to improve knife handling. Swinging, throwing, and catching knives were part of this training.
Traditionally, a communal dinner was held on Saturday evening, providing an opportunity for participants to exchange ideas about martial arts.
Der Lehrgang war ein voller Erfolg und alle Teilnehmer konnten ihr wissen erweitern. Alle freuen sich auf eine Fortsetzung dieser Lehrgangsreihe,
da die realistische Abwehr in der heutigen Zeit zu selten trainiert wird und durch aktuelle Umstände an Bedeutung gewonnen hat.