IHC Hapkido European Championships
English regulations
You can download the english regulations of the IHC-Hapkido European Championships as a PDF file here
1. Tournament
1.1 Preamble
The International Hapkido Cooperation e.V. organizes the IHC Hapkido European Championships every two years. These style independent Championships aims on optimizing communication and cooperation of all Hapkidoin in Europe and shall deepen the relationship of Hapkido Masters and their students.
Competitors of all European Nations are able to mess with others in cooperative and fair competitions to represent Hapkido.
For that, we greatly invite all Hapkido Clubs, Unions and Schools all over Europe.
All masters are invited to send their best starters as representor of their club to the IHC European Hapkido Championships.
The participants of the IHC Hapkido European Championships undertake to compete in a sporty and fair competition and by their participation accept the regulations and the judges' tribunal.
All roles written in this document are to be understood gender-neutral in order to reduce the effort of differentiation in this document.
1.2 Tributes
The winner of a class is entitled "Hapkido European Champion" or "Hapkido Youth European Champion". The first three finishes will be honored with cups. Every participant gets a certificate.
1.3 Mat
It is recommended to use a three-piece mat surface for the competitions:
- An inner surface of 6x6 meters.
- A first outer differently colored ring (to the inner surface) of 8x8 meters.
- A second extreme differently colored ring (to the first outer ring) of 10x10 meters.
Furthermore, based on the number of participants and the possibilities, there should be a second mat surface of the same design and an additional preparation area.
It must be ensured, as far as possible, that the competitions and the preparations for the participants, mat referees and referees, as well as spectators, can be carried out free of injuries.
1.4 Organization
The tournament has different organizational levels relevant to the participants.
In addition to the various leading positions, there are also supportive helpers who work on the. These will not be discussed here.
1.4.1 Head of tournament
The tournament has announced a tournament head referee, nominated by the IHC cooperation to all participants prior to the start of the tournament.
- The tournament head referee owns the highest position in the tournament.
- He has the right to vote in decisions submitted to the tournament court.
- He initiates mat head referees and mat referees.
- It should be taken care to ensure that the composition of a mat court referee a competition category and does not interchanges it, unless any circumstances require it.
1.4.2 Tournament head referee
The tournament head referee consists of at least two referees and the tournament management. There must be an even number of referees so that a majority vote is always made. The tournament judges are nominated by the tournament management before the start of the competitions and announced to all participants. The tournament head referee is the highest instance of the tournament and decides in case of dispute in the last instance. The referees have
one vote each. Decisions are made by a simple majority.
- The tournament head referee decides in disputes as a last instance.
- The tournament head referee consists of the tournament director and two referees.
- The tournament director and the tournament referees may only decide "for" or "against" the dispute. There is no abstention.
1.4.3 Head of mat
The mat head referee will be set up for each category/class. His tasks are:
- He is head of mat court of its category/class.
- He has one vote in case of dispute within the mat court
- He is a judge himself.
- If applicable, the mat leader distributes match category specific penalty points to participants
(e.g., time violation, rule violation, etc.).
The mat leader is responsible for the management of the respective passage of a competition class and the observance and interpretation of the competition regulations in case of ambiguity. He decides in the first instance in case of ambiguity. He can undercut or break off a passage in
case of uncontrolled danger.
The referee is responsible for the meeting prior to the start of each competition class and directs the greetings of the starters and the referees before the start of the competition.
The referee checks all materials and clothing and can refuse them if there is an uncontrollable danger to participants or those participants.
All ambiguity and complaints must be clarified promptly with the mat leader. If no agreement can be made, the tournament head referee will be called in to make a decision.
1.4.4 The mat head referee
The mat head referee consists of the mat referee and at least two other mat referees. However, more mat referees may be used, with the number of all mat referees always being odd.
The tasks of the mat head referees are:
- As the first point of contact for objections, the mat head referees takes up the objection / dispute and, in the event of a disagreement between the parties to the dispute and the mat head referee itself, passes the case on to the tournament head referee.
- In case of unclear, dangerous or other interruptible situations, the mat referee gets together and discusses. Based on the meeting a further decision needs to be made.
1.4.5 Mat referee
The mat referee will be set up by the tournament head referee.
The tasks are:
- Rating of the participants regarding category specific criterias.
- The rating is without any preferences from clubs, gender, religion, race e.g. but only regarding category specific criterias.
1.4.6 Raising an objection
An appeal against certain ratings or changes listed under 1.4.7 is possible under the following conditions:
- The deadline for an appeal directly to a competition category is set for the duration of the category + 1 hour after its completion. Thereafter, no objection can be raised anymore. An appeal will be formally filed initially with the responsible mat tribunal of the responsible category in the opposition. The mat court is obliged to give the objection. If the objection is justified, for this a majority decision of the mat court, then the objection is passed on to the tournament court and this decision is finally made.
- The deadline for an appeal against the overall classification of a category is set for a period of up to the beginning of the award ceremony of the European Championship. Thereafter, no objection can be inserted. An appeal is formally submitted to the tournament court. The tournament court is obliged to give the objection. If the objection is justified, the tournament court will decide finally.
It is advisable to file an appeal immediately after the discrepancy has been established.
1.4.7 Exceptions and deviations to assemble classes
Due to the experience of various events of this kind, it is possible that categories would be cancelled due to a low number of participants. In order to give all participants the possibility to start and to present their abilities, the combination of similar or even opening of new competition categories can be made. In order to make the competitions exciting and challenging for everyone, it is possible to make certain changes regarding the rating, which should, however, be transparent and comprehensible to all.
Exceptions or deviations regarding the rating guidelines of a competition / a competition category, a combination of competition categories or re-opening are possible under the following conditions:
- The changes must be communicated to all referees and participants before the starting the respective competition category and competition, if necessary also via the present associate representative.
- The decision to make this change must be confirmed by a majority decision of the tournament court.
1.5 Rating
1.5.1 Rating Self-Defense, Single Hyong, Show, Longstick, Sword, Weapons
The competition is judged by three to seven judges, but always an odd number. The rating is open. The mat judges are spread around the mat.
From five mat judges the highest and lowest grades are canceled. The rating scale ranges from 0.0 to 5.0 in 0.1 point increments. 0.0 is the lowest, 5.0 the highest rating.
If there is a tie in the final, the participants start again. If there are two participants in the jump-off, the judges are judged by a hand signal. If there are more than two participants, the scores will be decided again. In the pool system both tied participants enter the final, if the number of participants allows this.
If competitions with multiple passes are performed, the points will be added.
1.5.2 Penalties
A) Leaving the mat
When leaving the mat is the touching of the surrounding hall floor. For leaving the mat, 1.0 points are deducted from the overall grade by the manager.
B) Timeing
For exceeding, falling short of a time by more than 7 seconds is deducted by the headmaster 1.0 point from the overall grade. The time counts from the first to the last movement / technique of the participants.
C) Cancellation
For a clearly recognizable aborted form/hyong, 1.0 points are deducted from the overall grade by the head of the board.
D) Endangering
If and when a participant endangers others by their behavior, the respective mat court decides by the respective appointed mat head referee. Disqualification or deduction between 1.0 and 5.0 is possible.
1.5.3 Rating – Long Jump
The competition will be judged by one mat head referee and two mat referees. These check for trespassing, crossing the target range and neatly rolling.
1.5.4 Rating – Breaking contest
The competition is conducted and judged by a mat head referee, a timekeeper and an observer. A successful break test counts as soon as a board breaks completely in the air, not on the ground.
1.5.5 Rating – Fighting
The mat court for the competition category "fight" of a mat consists of the mat head referee and at least two mat referees. It is supported by the timekeeper, scorer (s) and list leaders.
Scoring criterias
- 2 Points Kick to head, combinations (example: sequence fist + foot, foot + foot, or similar and several hits made in quick succession), fixing on the ground
- 1 Point Kick to the body, fist to head / body
- 0 Points Mutual Hits without superiority
- -1 Point Prohibited actions (accidents will not be punished) Are explained in more detail in the chapter fight.
The evaluation is done via an open flag signal, which is shown for up to two seconds. The score counts as soon as at least two flags for the same event are shown at the same time.
Flag signals
- 2 Points Flag vertically above the head
- 1 Point Flag horizontally to the side
- -1 Point Flag to the side down
- 0 Points Flags cross over in front of the body
- X Flags crossed over the head, break
The mat head referee directs the fight, but doesn’t score. The mat referees are distributed around the mat and evaluates the fight.
The scorer stands behind the timekeeper and list leader and interprets the flag signals.
A fight is over as soon as one of the following conditions occurs:
- One of the fighters leads with six points
- A competitor receives the third minus point and is disqualified
- The fight time has passed
- The competitor gives up
At equal points is fought for half an minute break for another minute. If the points are equal again, the first hit decides a third round of combat. The fighter with the highest score wins, if task or disqualification does not oppose.
1.6 Disclaimer
The International Hapkido Cooperation and the Organizer shall not be liable for any injury or accident unless there is a written commitment from the Organizer regarding financial liability of the promised amount. Each participant is responsible for any action that directly or indirectly leads to an accident or damage.
1.7 Data Security
The data of the participants, in particular name, Kupdegree, age, association affiliation and evaluation results are used by the IHC and the aligning association exclusively for the organization and organization of the European championship. The starter lists with placement and score will be published afterwards and possibly stored permanently. The intermediate scores will be deleted no later than 90 days after completion of the championship. The data will only be
passed on to third parties, if this is necessary for the above mentioned purposes and a sufficient level of data protection is guaranteed. The responsible bodies can be found in the respective call for tenders.
At the championship, the IHC and the organizer will create pictures for the purpose of reporting, documentation and press. These are published in the press, on the websites, in print media and social media.
By signing up for a competition category and participating in it, Entrants agree that pictures of you will be made in the context of the Contest and may also be published.
2. Fighting
2.1 Fighting – Contest and Mode
It is fought in light contact with protective equipment with punches, kicks and throws standing against each other. The fight time is 2 minutes.
Up to five participants will be started in the pool system (Everyone against each). With six starters, the double-knockout system (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_knock-out) starts. Starting with seventeen players, pools of up to sixteen players will be formed, who will compete
against each other in a final round.
2.2 Fighting - Requirements
Light contact means that a point is scored by a superficial hit by the opponent on an allowable hit area. This hit must be controlled and must not be able to hurt the opponent in the struck body area.
Permissible hit area or hits are injury-free hits to the head and upper body, above the belt line, whereby the belt is worn "normally" high. A violation of this requirement decides the referee. It may only be attacked with the padded surfaces of the protective equipment.
Foot sweeps are exclusively to be executed so that they are not suitable to injure the opponent, so from the back or maximum laterally against the calves or thighs. Throws must be carried out in a controlled manner. Following a pitch, the fight will be resumed in the booth from the middle ofthe mat. It must not be kicked or hit on the ground.
The light contact protective equipment consists of head protection, mouthguard, hand protection,groin guard and foot protection. The head protection is optional for seniors. Shin guards can beworn. They must be made of soft material and must not contain any plastic or other hard elements.
The padding of the protective equipment must have a significantly dampening effect. So-called MMA gloves are prohibited. The equipment must be clean and not dangerous to the other competitor. Heel, foot and closed fist incl. Thumb, and toes must be clearly covered by the protective equipment.
The protective equipment is checked and approved by the mat manager. Without this release, the participant is not allowed ro start.
Injury break: Should a participant bleed out of a situation, but the fight generally continues, then the referee can order an injury break in which the bleeding participant can be taken care of. If the injury is not resolved within one minute, so far as the fighter can continue the fight, then the mat court must advise on the termination of the fight and determine a result.
2.3 Fighting – Competition Classes
This competition is open from the age of 12 years. The competition classes are divided into juniors and common classes, gender and weight. The weight will be determined on the day of the competition. Children and adolescents are only fully clothed, weighed without competition equipment.
Youth, Age of 12 – 17 years
The classification will take place on the day of the competition on the basis of the assessment of meaningful groupings by the tournament court.
The classification will take place on the day of the competition on the basis of the assessment of meaningful groupings by the tournament court.
Seniors, Age of 18 and above
The classification will take place on the day of the competition on the basis of the assessment of meaningful groupings by the tournament court.
The classification will take place on the day of the competition on the basis of the assessment of meaningful groupings by the tournament court.
2.4 Fighting – Penalties
Forbidden actions are penalized with a minus point over the flag system.
Forbidden actions:
- attacks on eyes, ears and joints
- exaggerated hardness
- deliberate infringement of the other competitor
- unsporting behavior
- Choke
- holding and hitting
- Attacks on non-permitted hit areas
The referee can pronounce a warning. This is punished with a minus point.
Three minuses lead to combat disqualification.
In the second combat disqualification, the fighter will be disqualified from all combat classes.
3. Self-Defence
3.1 Self Defence – Competion and Mode & Modus
The participant shows self-defense techniques against various attacks of his training partner in one go. Each technique is shown once per pass. Each race class requires different types of attacks. Weapons are only allowed if required for the class. The organizer decides how many
passes there are.
The mode of the competition will be determined by the organizer at the latest just before the start of the class. Example: Preliminary Round + Final Round, e.g.
3.2 Self Defence – Requirements
This competition takes place without music and in the Dobok of their own style.
All weapons and everyday objects known in Hapkido are allowed as weapons. Only training weapons / imitations may be used. Defective or sharp weapons are not allowed.
Weapons must not endanger anyone through improper use. They are allowed to roll / slip off the mat as much as possible. If there is a risk, the decision may be taken by the mat tribunal.
3.3 Self Defence – Competion Classes
This competition is open from 12 years. The age of the training partner is not relevant. For the training partner no rating or award ceremony takes place.
It is not differentiated by gender.
Youth, 12-17 years
- Class SV-JC - 10.-5. Kup m,f - 6 Techniques without weapons
- Class SV-JB - 3. – 4. Kup m,f - 6 Techniques without weapons
- Class SV-JA - 1. – 2. Kup m,f - 8 Techniques, 2 of it against weapons
Senior, from 18 years
- Class SV-C - 10.-5. Kup m,f - 6 Techniques without weapons
- Class SV-B - 3. – 4. Kup m,f - 6 Techniques without weapons
- Class SV-A - 1. – 2. Kup m,f - 8 Techniques, 2 of it against weapons
- Class SV-DAN - I. – X. Dan m,f - 10 Techniques, 4 of it against weapons
- Class SV-40+ - Over 40 Years m,f - 10 Techniques, 4 of it against weapons
3.4 Self Defence – Rating Criterias
- Comply with Hapkido principles
- Realistic execution of attack and defense
- Functioning technique
- speed, balance and breathing technique
- timing
- Technological completion and protection of opponents and weapons
- Proportionality between attack and defense
- charisma, harmony and power
4. Long Jump
4.1 Long Jump – Competion and Mode
The contest will be roughly outlined as follows:
1. The participants will start separately after youth and adults.
2. Further subdivisions are made after M and W.
3. The subdivision into classes takes place on-site by the referee to provide the participants with a
good mix of challenge and fairness.
4. The participants must complete a successively increasing width without errors.
5. The size of the participant is deducted from his bounded width and gives the scoring range.
6. Whoever completes the highest scoring error free in his class, wins.
7. A valid jump is one who does not cross the jump mark and lands with a flying role (no free roll)
within the marked limits (through mats).
8. An invalid jump is deducted once from the remaining attempts.
9. Invalid jumps are:
i. Violation of the jump mark at jump start
ii. No role over a shoulder on landing with one hand touching the mat first.
iii. Flip-flops are invalid.
10. Count the width of the first rising hand.
11. If two or more participants reach the same rank, the participant wins the lower grade. In
other cases, there is a stinging.
12. Each participant has three attempts in total.
13. Each participant has a test jump without scoring free.
14. Anyone who endangers themselves or others in the role of a rider can be excluded by the
referee from further participation in this competition.
4.2 Long Jump – Requirements
This competition takes place without music and in the Dobok of their own style.
The jump is marked by two different colored mats.
The landing zone consists of gymnastics mats, which are superimposed in one another. The width
is marked by a belt.
4.3 Long Jump – Competion Classes
This competition is open from 12 years.
youth, 12 – 17 years
The classes are build on site.
Seniors, from 18 years
The classes are build on site.
4.4 Long Jump – Rating Criterias
If the participant lands without injury, without endangering himself or others and above all
without errors, then the distance is measured from jump mark to the width of the first rising
hand. The participant with the greatest distance wins his competition.
5. Show
5.1 Show – Competition and Mode
A team of at least two (2) and maximum six (6) participants will show a creative Hapkido show with elements of traditional hapkido in the foreground. Training weapons, everyday objects and music are allowed. Shape sync is also possible. The time from at least 45 seconds to a maximum of three (3) minutes must be respected.
Music and form should form a unity.
The starting places are drawn.
5.2 Show - Requirements
From a Dobok can be omitted to demonstrate hapkido in everyday life.
A maximum of +/- 7 seconds may be deviated from the time limit
Only training weapons may be used. Defective or sharp weapons / objects are not allowed.
Weapons and objects must not endanger anyone through improper use. They are allowed to roll / slip off the mat as much as possible. If necessary, the referee decides on a violation of this point.
The mat may be deliberately left inside and in relation to the form, this must be stated beforehand.
5.3 Show – Competition Classes
This competition is open from 12 years. The team is judged and honored. The winning teams receive a cup.
There is only one competition class for all hapkidoin.
Class SHOW m,f
5.4 Show – Rating Criterias
- amusement value based on martial arts aspects
- Mastery of body and weapons
- difficulty and complexity
- Synchronicity within the team, timing
- Synchronicity with the music, timing
- Difficulty
- length
- Innovation, imagination, creativity, variety of techniques
- Radiance, harmony and power
6. Weapon Hyong
6.1 Weapon Hyong – Competitions and Mode
A participant shows a shape with one or more traditional Hapkido weapons. Here, the mastery and handling of the weapon is in the foreground.
The mode of the competition will be determined by the organizer at the latest just before the start of the class.
6.2 Weapon Hyong - Requirements
The form is shown in Dobok's own style. Music is not allowed.
Sword and long stick start in their own class and are not allowed here.
Traditional weapons are e.g. Short stick, middle stick, crutch stick, compartments, belt, rope. Tai Chi swords also fall into this class.
Damaged weapons are not allowed. Likewise, sharp weapons are prohibited.
The weapon must not endanger anyone by improper use. For black belts the loss of the weapon is considered a crash. Students are allowed to continue their form once.
6.3 Weapon Hyong – Competition and Classes
This competition is open from 15 years. The competition classes are not differentiated by age.
In this class neither long stick nor sword forms are allowed!
General Class
Class WF-A Ü15 m,f (15 and above)
Class WF-DAN Black Belts m,f
6.4 Weapon Hyong – Rating Criterias
- Comply with Hapkido principles
- Mastery of the weapon, precision and handling
- Observe the shape (in the case of a standard shape) and realistic, practical movements of the weapon
- Difficulty & Complexity
- speed, balance and breathing technique
- Radiance, harmony and power
- Length of presentation
6.4.1 Weapon Hyong – Penalties
For the loss of the weapon or a reboot 1.0 point deducted by the referee, depending on how dangerous the weapon is dropped.
7. Single Hyong
7.1 Single Hyong – Competition and Mode
The participant shows a weaponless form against one or more imaginary opponents. He uses traditional hapkido elements such as punches, kicks and blocks.
The mode of the competition will be determined by the organizer at the latest just before the start of the class.
7.2 Single Hyong - Requirements
The form is shown in Dobok's own style.
The shape must last at least 30 seconds and must not exceed 60 seconds.
Weapons or music are not allowed.
7.3 Single Hyong – Competition Classes
This competition is open from 12 years. Possibly, classes are differentiated locally to create a fair and challenging competition.
Class EF-A - Students, m,f
Class EF-DAN - Black Belts m,f
7.4 Single Hyong – Rating Criterias
- Comply with Hapkido principles
- Realistic, workable techniques
- Difficulty & Complexity
- speed, balance and breathing technique
- charisma, harmony and power
- Length of the form
8. Longstick
8.1 Longstick – Competition and Mode
A participant shows a shape with a long stick. Here, the mastery and handling of the weapon is in the foreground.
The mode of the competition will be determined by the organizer at the latest just before the start of the class.
8.2 Langstock - Requirements
The form is shown in Dobok's own style.
Music or multiple weapons are not allowed.
Only wooden or rattan training weapons may be used. The length of the long stick should be
about 180cm or your own body height. Damaged weapons are not allowed.
The weapon must not endanger anyone by improper use.
For Black Belts the loss of the weapon is considered a crash. Students are allowed to continue
their form once.
8.3 Langstock – Competition and Classes
This competition is open from 15 years.
Class LS-JA - 15-17 years m,f
Senior, from 18 years and above
Class LS-A - Ü18 m, f (over 18)
Class LS-DAN - Black Belts m,f
8.4 Langstock – Rating Criterias
- Comply with Hapkido principles
- Mastery of the weapon, precision and handling
- Observe the shape (in the case of a standard shape) and realistic, practical movements of the weapon
- difficulty & complexity e.g. by changing hands, rotations, changes in length
- speed, balance and breathing technique
- Radiance, harmony and power
- Length of presentation
8.4.1 Langstock – Penalties
For the loss of the weapon or a restart, the referee subtracts 1.0 points.
9. Sword
9.1 Sword – Competition & Mode
A participant shows a shape with a metal sword. Here, the mastery and handling as a weapon in the foreground.
The mode of the competition will be determined by the organizer at the latest just before the start of the class.
9.2 Sword – Requirements
The form is shown in Dobok's own style.
The sword must be at least 89cm long
Music or multiple weapons are not allowed.
Damaged weapons are not allowed.
The weapon must not endanger anyone by improper use.
All materials that are customary for swords and practice swords are allowed.
9.3 Sword – Competitions Classes
This competition is open to all Black Belts. There is only one competition class.
Common class
Class S-DAN - Black Belts m,f
9.4 Sword – Rating Criterias
- sharp or blunt sword
- Comply with Hapkido principles
- Command of the weapon, precision of execution, attitude to the cutting direction
- Observe the form (where applicable) and realistic, practical movements of the weapon
- difficulty & complexity
- speed, balance and breathing technique
- timing
- charisma, harmony and power
- Length of presentation
- weight / material
9.4.1 Sword - Penalties
- The loss of the weapon leads to disqualification
- own injuries caused by the sword lead to disqualification
10. Breaking Contest
10.1 Breaking Contest - Wettbewerb & Modus
The participants show in one run a break test form of several break tests in direct succession, whereby the time is measured over a buzzer. The participant must press the buzzer to start and finish its passage.
It wins who has broken most boards in the shortest time.
In this order is also counted: number of boards before time.
The break tests will continue even if a board should not break.
The boards are closed by the mat dish and held free by two fingers.
For teenagers the break test takes place on polystyrene boards, for adults on boards approx 28cmx28xmx2 cm.
10.2 Breaking Contest – Vorgaben
The participant has 1 minute to set up his boards and start the competition.
The boards are always positioned as shown below.
The participant can freely choose the height and the order can be determined by the participant
All boards must be kicked or beaten in the direction of the security area. The competition takes place on the mat. This is also a measure of the structure. The board holder is determined by the tournament court and are used for all participant.
- All techniques must be different
- Hands and feet must be used
- The techniques are free to choose
- everyone may only try once to break the jew. board
10.3 Breaking Contest – Wettkampfklassen
This competition is open from the age of 15 and is conducted in the Dobok of their own style.
Youth, 15 – 17 years
Class BF-JA-W - 15-17 m,f - three fracture tests on 1.5 cm polystyrene
Class BF-JA-M - 15-17 m,f - three fracture tests on 1.5 cm polystyrene
The classification will take place on the day of the competition on the basis of the assessment of meaningful groupings by the tournament court.
Senior, from 18 years and above
Class BF-A - Ü18 m,f - three fracture tests on min. 2cm wood
Class BF-DAN - Black Belts m,f - four fracture tests on min. 2cm wood